
Mohammed Helili, an inspiring story... turned pain into hope

Mohammed Helili, a 46-year-old man, represents a symbol of resilience and an example for many victims exhausted and displaced by war. He was displaced from the border district of Al-Dhaher in western Saada due to the war that turned his life upside down, transforming them from a prosperous family to a displaced family that lost its source of income and livelihood, which was sufficient to support his family of 11 members, including 6 males and 5 females. But the war took everything from him, and he lost the job opportunity he relied on.

Mohammed Helili says: (When the war intensified in our area, I displaced my family, fleeing the war to the Zor Wad'a area in Al-Safra district, leaving all our belongings in our house, and I rented an old house built of mud. I faced difficult days and conditions, but hope in God was not cut off).

A team from the National Foundation for Development and Humanitarian Response visited Mohammed and his family and they were registered among the beneficiaries of the "Providing Pastoral Livelihood Support Services through the Distribution of Livestock Packages, Fodder, Mineral Blocks, and Awareness Training Courses" project, supported by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), which was implemented during the period (July – November 2024) in Al-Safra and Kitaf districts in Saada governorate.

Mohammed received assistance consisting of four sheep and a cash amount of 121,400 Yemeni riyals, which restored a glimmer of hope to him. He spent part of his cash assistance on repairing the roof of his house, as rain would fall into the rooms he lived in whenever it rained, and providing some necessary supplies such as a gas cylinder and some blankets, and he began raising his sheep, one of which gave birth to a small ram.

Mohammed says: (My conditions have improved better than they were, and I cooperated with my family members in distributing the work, so my wife started going to collect fodder, while my son took over grazing the sheep).

Thanks to the project, the collective spirit returned to Mohammed Helili's family, and life returned to their home, and smiles began to return to their faces again.

Mohammed Helili's situation improved, and the project was not limited to providing assistance, but also contributed to improving income sources for agricultural families, as 1210 agricultural families of small farm owners and needy families benefited from the project.

Mohammed Helili's story is an example of how pain can be turned into hope, and how livelihood projects can create a positive impact on the lives of individuals and communities.