عدد المشاريع : 50 مشروع
مبلغ المنحة : 500000 دولار
عدد المستفيدين : 500000 مستفيد
War turned the farm into deserted land
Adel , IDP, was holding back his tears as he looked at his farm, which war had turned into...
" : Tanbol (IDP): We were forced to sleep on bare sands, surrounded by dogs and snakes!"
"We had to sleep on the ground; surrounded by dogs and snakes; only now we can sleep on sheets...
Hajj Ahmad: The war has impoverished us, and my children sleep on "cartons."
“The war impoverished us, displaced us from our villages, and expelled us from our homes.” A...
Friendly Spaces: Safe Resort for Child Naji
Naji Saleh is an eight-year-old, born in Sirwah district, Marib governorate. He is the only child in...
War and Displacement Abolished the Musfer Family
Years ago, Salamah used to have a happy and peaceful life. Blessed with a small house, a beautiful farm,...
Malnourished, Elderly and Displaced: Salamah Lost Her Shelter Only and Became Homeless
Salamah Ahmad is an elderly displaced woman in her seventies who lives alone in Shaab Al-Daly area in...
Will life finally smile at Neama?!
Merely war forced Neama and her family to leave their home and run for their lives after experiencing...
Safeer … suffering from the first day of his birth
Safeer, a Yemeni child who was only two months old, lives with his family in a hut with in a marginalized...
Afiah suffered since she got birth
This is a story of a Yemeni girl named Aafiah Hammad Mubarak Aini, whose family was displaced almost...