Provision of Integrated Food Security, Agriculture, Health, Nutritio and WASH Responses to affected displaced persons and host community in Kuaedina District and Food Security, Agriculture and WASH Response in Miftah District, Hajjah Governorate (priority
Provision of Integrated Food Security, Agriculture, Health, Nutritio and WASH Responses to affected displaced persons and host community in Kuaedina District and Food Security, Agriculture and WASH Response in Miftah District, Hajjah Governorate (priority 1)
Implementated by
National Foundtion for Development and Humanitarian Response (NFDHR)
Funded by
Yemen Humanitarian Fund (YHF)
Target Areas
Al-Miftah and Kuaedina Districts of Hajjah Governorate
# Beneficiaries
39,336 beneficiaries
Project period
20-11-2022 to 19-11-2023
Major project activities
1- Cash-for-work activities
- Providing 1,200 job opportunities through cash-for-work
- Stone paving of rugged roads & protection of farmland against erosion at 10 sites
2- Health activities
- Rehabilitation & operation of 6 medical facilities
- Health services for 30,016 BNFs
- Supply of medicaitons to targeted facilities for 10 months
- Supporting health facilities with medical equipment & supplies
- Provision of financial incentive to health workers in targeted facilities
- Training of 24 health workers
3- WASH activities
- Rehabilitation of 3 water projects
- Supply & installation of 3 solar-powered pumping systems
- Two hygiene campaigns
- 30 community committee members trained on management, operation & maintenance of water projects
- Community awareness training for volunteers