Emergency Response to IDPs and most affected populations in Al Hudaydah

Donor: OCHA
Targeted District:

Al Qanawis District
Project Period:
Six months (August15, 2018 to February14, 2019) 
  • Project Adjectives :
  • - Improve the access of 13,300 IDPs and other vulnerable people to reproductive health care in the conflict-affected districts of Al Qanawis in 4 HFs, for 6 months.
Project Activities:
  • Providing primary health care in 4 health units.
  • Support 28 of health services providers with incentives
  • Support the four targeted HFs with basic medicine in monthly basis , for six months
  • Support the targeted HFs with medical supplies and consumable materials.
  • Support 20 midwives in the targeted district with monthly incentives to provide reproductive health services for pregnant and lactating women.
  • Building the capacity of 40 health workers