Fund: Yemen Humanitarian Fund (YHF) Targeted districts: Khiran and Mostabaa districts. Project Implementation Period:10/04/2019- 09/02/2020 Targeted communities: 13,683 persons of the most vulnerable IDPs at Khiran Al Muharraq and Mostabaa districts, Hajjah governorate. Project target: It aims to address the immediate causes of severe acute malnutrition (SAM) by ensuring access to humanitarian assistance in food, health, nutrition, water and sanitation in the districts of Khiran and Mostabaa. Project activities:
Providing 5623 war-affected IDPs whom SAM suffering with cash or monthly unconditional vouchers over a period of 6 months.
Providing primary health care services to 13,863 IDPs and affected communities in Khiran within eight months.
Rehabilitating of 10 water wells, supplying them with solar pumping systems, water reservoirs as well as supplying 3761 displaced persons in the random settlements at Khiran Al Muharraq district with drinking water, constructing temporary toilets, hygiene campaigns, distribution of health bags and health promotion for IDPs.