
Al Bayda Governorate

Martyr Ahmed Salem Al-Awadi Hospital: The Return of Hope and Work to Serve Patients.

The Martyr Ahmed Salem Al-Awadhi Hospital in Redman Directorate, Al Bayda Governorate, was the only hospital serving the people of Redman and the surrounding directorates. Due to the lack of healthcare services, patients from various villages suffered greatly. Despite limited resources and equipment, the hospital received patients of all ages and provided them with the best care possible.

Imagine needing urgent surgery and the nearest equipped hospital being hundreds of kilometers away. This was the harsh reality that the people of Redman endured for many years. Due to the war, the hospital was closed, but it reopened partially in 2017 to provide primary healthcare services after the outbreak of cholera in the region. However, most of its departments remained closed due to the lack of medical equipment, operational expenses, and specialized medical staff.

However, with the intervention of the National Foundation for Development and Humanitarian Response (NAHR) in 2023, as part of the emergency response project for health, nutrition, water, and hygiene awareness to combat the outbreak of cholera in Redman and Mikras directorates - Al Bayda Governorate, NAHR was able to revive the hospital. The operating room was equipped with the latest medical devices and equipment, and the medical staff was trained on the latest techniques.

NAHR's role was not limited to equipping the operating room; it also included providing the necessary medicines and medical supplies, and financially supporting the hospital to cover its operational expenses. Thanks to this support, the hospital was able to provide various surgical services, saving patients the trouble of traveling long distances and incurring high costs.

Before the end of the project, the hospital was able to perform surgeries, an achievement that the people of Redman had long awaited. In early August 2024, dozens of children were waiting their turn for tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy surgeries for the first time. Surgical operations followed weekly, with more than 51 various surgeries performed until October 19, 2024. The hospital also became qualified to perform larger surgeries if specialized surgeons in surgery and anesthesia were available.

Today, after two years of NAHR's intervention and with the support of the Yemen Humanitarian Fund (YHF), the hospital has been able to perform dozens of surgeries, putting smiles on the faces of patients and their families. The people of Redman no longer feel fear or anxiety about their health, knowing that they are in safe hands.