NFDHR provides cash assistance and identity card for 140 vulnerable people

The National Foundation for Development and Humanitarian Response (NFDHR) has provided cash assistance to 140 displaced and affected people (including 70 women and 8 children) in Al-Bayda city and Wasab As Safal districts in Al-Bayda and Dhamar governorates for two months.
Fatima Sharaf Aldeen, officer of the Project said the first batch of cash assistance covered 93 beneficiaries in the Wasab district, and 47 beneficiaries in Al Bayda city including women.
The urgent Response Project for the Protection of Displaced and Vulnerable people, funded by the Yemen Humanitarian Fund aim to provide 900 people with cash assistance.
In addition, NFDHR has completed the procedures for extracting the first batch of ID cards for 106 beneficiaries in the targeted governorates. In general, NFDHR targets 373 people for the civil documentation activity.
NFDHR also provides protection services to the displaced through three community centers, two of them in the Directorate of Wasab As-Safal in Dhamar and the third in the city of Al-Bayda.