
NFDHR launch distributing goats in Al-Zuhra & Al-Qanawes districts in Al-Hodeida

National Foundation for Development and Humanitarian Response (NFDHR), in partnership with Vision Hope International (VHI), launched the activity of distributing goats to the affected and most vulnerable families in Al-Zuhra and Al-Qanaes districts in Al-Hodeida governorate.

This activity aims aims to distribute 285 goats to beneficiary families, 3 goats per family, in addition to distributing vaccines and concentrated fodder. NFDHR also works on training and educating families about raising and feeding livestock, protecting them from diseases and providing appropriate therapy practices, in order to ensure the improvement of animal production and the enhancement of food security for these families.

Furthermore, NFDHR will launch the distribution of poultry, bees and water filters to beneficiary families, as part of the activities of the Food Security and Agriculture Project funded by the German The Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Developmen (BMZ).