Hajjah, Yemen – January 29, 2024 – (NFDHR) today handed over educational projects to the Education Office in Hajjah Governorate, in Bani Qais District. The projects included the renovation and rehabilitation of 9 schools and the construction of 13 new classrooms, at a total cost of $360,000 funded by the Yemen Humanitarian Fund (YHF).
More than 3,494 students will benefit from these projects, which included the renovation of 23 classrooms and 25 facilities, and the construction of 13 new classrooms with water and sanitation facilities in the most overcrowded schools. The project included the construction of three classrooms with water and sanitation facilities at Al-Tadhamun Basic School in Al-Bakaria, two classrooms at Al-Hujjah School, two classrooms with two toilets at Al-Masirah School, three classrooms with two toilets at Al-Hussein School, and three classrooms with two toilets at Al-Hikmah School. In addition, 697 double chairs, solar systems, and training courses for teachers were provided.
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